Sunday, March 27, 2011


Have you seen dust with an attitude?

I've discovered that the dust I sweep in the Philippines behaves differently versus dust elsewhere, say dust in Australia.

At first glance both types of dust are the same, but the more you confront the latter, the more sinister it becomes.

You see, the more you allow dust Down Under to lie around, the more gangster-like they become, clumping together, later disguising themselves as cotton balls. Dark but cottony, they tend to rebel and fly off when swept into the dust pan!

Well, I'm no scientist and I'm not about to do more research on why this kind of dust behaves a certain way.

For sure, this choice of topic probably shows you how down-to-earth I've become lately, seeing wisdom in dust and other mundane things as my Aussie days tick.

Quite a reminder of our true nature. We are made of earth- 96 per cent organic matter to be sure. The only difference is we're a bigger clump of dust. And probably with attitudes that suck bigger.

"The Lord formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into His nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7)

God's breath in us! That's the only reason we're alive. I often hear our pastor reminding us that man is a spirit in a body, and not the other way around.

But most of the time we forget that, running as far away from God, thinking we could make it on our own without Him. Just like that clump of dust, we hide and indulge in our own sinister ways- in our own dark secret place- little expecting that when the Sweeper sweeps, we would literally be swept off our feet.

God wants us to live in His Spirit and not dictated by this (flesh) clump of dust.

That's why we need to be swept daily with the Holy Spirit's refining yet gentle brush. As we seek Him daily, He exposes our shenanigans, even the littlest.

But it doesn't end there. We get refreshed and cleansed, because He promised to cleanse us of our wrongs. The blood of Jesus does that, if we have surrendered our lives to Him.

Psalm 103:11-12: For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions away from us.

Oh well, as far as God is concerned, we're wonderful dust. And He will not dust us off yet.


  1. If I think of how insignificant we are, I marvel endlessly at how God could love us so!

  2. Amazing indeed. The more time I have nowadays to meditate on God's Word, the more I realize the extent of His grace.
