Friday, April 23, 2010

Why I Will Vote for Eddie Villanueva

Scams have been exposed. Accusations and counter-accusations have been hurled. And he-did-she-did emails continue to pour in day in and day out, to the point that my political meter is bust.

And it’s been like this election after election.

Then we still get a president who plunges us deeper into the pit. Marcos,Aquino, Estrada, Arroyo. One was so brilliant he managed to perpetuate himself in power, scandalously enriching himself in the process and institutionalizing corruption as a way of life in all levels of society.

The next one blew it so bad but we charged it to her inexperience. The one after her led us through his drunken stupors and brought us even deeper. The last one simply wouldn’t let go even if all of us started to vomit her like last night’s lead-infused meal.

But maybe we got it all wrong. We’ve been too immersed in glorifying or blasting qualifications, and in witch hunt and dirt-digging (Enough of the slander and the complaining already!), that we still end up getting the wrong side of the bargain.

Because we’ve lost sight of what really matters.

That’s why this time around, I’ve decided to vote for a president who was not built through praise release, catchy jingles and adspend, or by consistent jockeying for prominence in Congress. I will vote for one who has performed consistently and is himself not afraid of change—and who has a solid campaign platform besides.

I will vote for Eddie Villanueva. Education and experience credentials-wise, he can stand toe to toe against the rest of the candidates. He finished Political Science and business courses; was and still is an educator and a teacher.

Today, he leads a five million-strong congregation—worldwide. And this is where the road forks. He has replicated his leadership style such that wherever you go and you meet a Jesus is Lord member, you see them as upright, hardworking, capable and God-fearing people. My husband and I have JIL friends all over and they are the most law-abiding and one of the finest people to be around with—humble too if I may add.

Change is what we crave for. Don’t all these demonstrate what one God-fearing person can do?

Brother Eddie is himself a changed person. Formerly hateful and vengeful because of an injustice done to his family, he met Jesus one day and changed paths, afterwards dedicating himself to influencing young people to turn themselves to the Lord so that they can experience change themselves.

Shouldn’t we be happy that a God-fearing yet capable leader is making himself available? I say “God-fearing” first, “capable” second. Eddie Villanueva is no saint. I have seen him make wrong decisions and take flak for these boo-boos. But he fears God! And he’s also capable. And his capability has been shown in the lives he’s touched and helped turn around.

Change is what I crave for, so I will give my vote to Eddie Villanueva. Besides, he acknowledges that apart from God, he could not do the task. Folks, let’s be very honest about it. Apart from God, we could not change. It is all by His grace! And I am confident that Eddie Villanueva will heed God’s voice for every decision he makes.

And please, let’s dissociate ourselves from the notion that God and government are separate entities. Atheists in the U.S. have succeeded in taking God out of their public education system. Look at where godless American youth—and their nation—are headed today.

Since the beginning of time, God blessed nations whose leaders led their people to righteousness; and cursed those whose leaders were wicked. “The government will be on His shoulder,” says the bible. That’s why we need Jesus-acknowledging leaders who will not be ashamed to heed God and follow after righteousness.

Why are we in this deep morass? What can we do about it? “If My people shall humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land.” Pray, my friend! God will surely answer.

It’s time for real change.

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