Saturday, April 17, 2021


Lambs are cute, huggable, pettable. New-borns walk on wobbly legs. 

When Jesus appointed His disciples (Luke 10) to go before Him because "the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few," He said: "... I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves." 

His disciples were new in their faith, yet Jesus was confident His newbies could face up to wolves. Did it mean He was placing them in harm's way? 

I did some research on wolves and here's what I found: 

Wolves are highly intelligent, friendly, adaptable and sociable animals. (Wolf Song Alaska website)

So, they're nice folks. They're your people next door, workmate, the person next to you on the bus or plane. 

Yet wolves can be aggressive when it comes to prey. I believe this was the basis of Jesus' warning. 

We're out here in the world with nice and smart and civilized people. But let's face it, not everyone believes in Jesus. 

They have a totally opposite worldview.  To them, truth is what you make it. Many of them don't even acknowledge the existence of God. They celebrate abortion as women's right. They treat gender as self-assigned, not birth-assigned, so they could therefore choose which one suits them. 

"Please spare me that Jesus thing," they say. "I'm fine as it is. I don't need to be saved!" And they invite you to just drink and be merry with them. 

That's when wolves see you and me as prey; because to them, our message about Jesus is pure hysteria--borne out of weakness and superstition--and must be crushed.  

I believe Jesus is also warning us about this: Wolves are ok people, yes? So lambs can feel at ease with them. Wrong! They maybe the type you want to hang around with, but watch out, one day, you may find yourself agreeing with their self-centered narratives. 

Corrupt company corrupts. 

Remember the saying, "Wolves in sheep's clothing?" For example, how many well-meaning doctors and women's rights' advocates have led innocent girls to believe that It's ok to get rid of unwanted pregnancies? 

Jesus says, when we get out there, be a lamb--meek, pure. Be armed with His love, because love was the reason Jesus became man and paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross in exchange for our souls. 

But wolves can miraculously become sheep. Possible only if every believer  obeys the Good Shepherd. We can be among wolves and be empowered to share the gospel—to win them over to Christ. 

Lambs and sheep know their master's voice. 

Our good Shepherd (Psalm 23) calls and leads us daily to clear waters and green pastures. In Him alone are peace, joy and confidence found.

As His lamb, I know that I'm able only because my Shepherd hems me in. Courage eludes me at times. But if He tells me to go, I will go. I will teach.  I will testify. I will sing of His goodness and greatness.

The world gets darker by the day. Jesus sends us as light to whatever corner or enclave He wants us to reach.

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

As believers, we are wholly dependent on the one who sends us out. You and I have been deployed to the war zone. Ravenous wolves abound. But the harvest is plenty.  

It's not about winning a war. Jesus wins the war for sure. He has everything under control. But it's all about winning souls. 

The world needs to know: God loves them! That's why Jesus came. 

With Jesus on our side, whom shall we fear? Romans 8:31 "If God be for us, who can be against us?"

Prayer: O Lord, let me be a lamb--totally dependent on you, humble, and willing to be led by you. Please take away my fear, especially my fear of people. Holy Spirit, lead me. Let others see Jesus in me. May they commit their lives to Christ as their Lord and Savior. Amen. 

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