Imagine for a moment that you're a toddler and God visits you tonight. How will you react? Could your kiddo mind comprehend it at all?
Remember God is Spirit and must take some form to let Himself known.
Hmmm... that's why there are parents. Parents are the first tangible evidence of God's love. Because a parent loves, quite unconditionally, just like God.
How? With actions and words that say, "I love you." For God Himself is love!
A mom or a dad hugs. Kisses and bandages your booboo. Dresses you up. Gives you a bath. Feeds you. Sings you to sleep. Wakes up at night—even if very tired—to give you milk. Trains you to potty. Prays for you.
Early on, our parents teach us to behave. That's God's disciplining character in them. Loving parents teach their children the highest fear.
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the holy one is understanding," Proverbs 9:10.
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it," Proverbs 22:6.
Fear is not a nasty word. There's a fear which saves, others which lead to disaster. And kids must understand which one is which.
The fear of God debunks all kinds of fears. The fear of God is a blessing! It directs one to the right path. Right choices. Right values. Right companions. Right desires. Right decisions.
Then there's the fear of man. "The fear of man is a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is set securely on high." Proverbs 29:25
Many develop low self-esteem because somehow in their childhood, their elders unwittingly made them feel: "You won't amount to anything." "You disgust me." "You're fat." "You're ugly."
I know. I grew up thinking I was stupid and ugly so I tried to court others' approval by proving that this nobody could be a somebody. But the more I did that, the more my insecurities ballooned; and the more pride and self-sufficiency reared their ugly heads.
Oh the fears we bottle in our hearts! Fear of being rejected. Fear of failure. Fear of being in lack. Fear of sickness. Fear of calamity. Fear of death. Fear of what-ifs.
Fears that make us do stupid things—when we do things without wise counsel or His approval. Like rushing into relationships or deals that compromise our values. Or following self-destructive lifestyles.
Yet—and even if our very human
parents have somehow failed us—He wraps us with His grace so we can
move on; and lets us know:
"I am God. I created you. I love you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I am your heavenly Father! And I'm here for you."
God came in the most tangible way! His only begotten Son, Jesus, was born a human being that first Christmas morning.
Understanding the cause of our pride, self-centeredness, and dysfunctions, He embraced us anyway by dying on the cross for us—yes, even when we were still sinners.
Where we or our parents missed it, Jesus took the fall; strengthening us so we can complete our race, yes, even if it has been a rat race; and ensuring our cross-over to eternity with Him.
He forgives. He saves. He heals. He stores His word in our hearts. He sends us help when we scream, “Help!” His Holy Spirit teaches us—not just our ABCs, but most especially valuable life lessons.
He offers Himself as our Way, Truth and Life. No lifetime of education, a Ph.D. to your name, or self-help courses can top that.
We can't remain toddlers in our faith. God has given us the most tangible expression of His love. Take the deal. Jesus is worthy of every ounce of your trust. No one else compares.
Prayer: Jesus, I come to you with childlike faith. Give me the faith to believe that what you did on the cross is enough. I repent of my sins. I commit my heart and everything in me to you. Save me. Be my Lord. Thank you for bridging the gap between me and God. Holy Spirit, teach me ways which lead to life. In Jesus name!