Carlo has this uncanny ability to hear ca-ching or see the glitter of gold in something as commonplace as fish ball, daing na bangus or a pillow case. A chat with him always veers to livelihood prospects—conversations which could go on and on and on. Well, in the meantime, he’s still marketing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for his multinational employer but I don’t doubt at all that he will one day be his own boss.
His numero uno disciple is who else but his wife Opal. It’s not uncommon to hear them chatting and painting scenarios pertaining to their future business, no matter how silly or out-of-the way they may seem. But their concepts really make sense.
“Hebrews,” I overheard Opal say when I hitched a ride with them the other day. She was apparently referring to their dream coffee shop venture. “It will be a place where people can relax, listen to inspiring music, even read Christian literature, with menu fare like “manna cake” or “whole wheat heavenly son-wich.””
HEbrews. What a swell idea! A brew-haven for those who want to have a quiet time with oneself or friends. Or Him.
Jesus is the ultimate brew-master, making sure you and I are transformed, drop by tiny drop, into a full-bodied brew, flavor and aroma pleasing to the Father, filling our cups daily so we become another person’s caffeine fix. Expertly brewed, we may in a day yet be a lifter of others’ sagging morale.
Jesus himself passed the brew route. He spilled his own blood, drop by agonizing drop, as His body got lashed, head crowned with thorns, hands and feet nailed on the cross, body speared till the last drop of blood poured. Man, this was some brew! All to prove His love to a people who didn’t even know or care that they were perishing.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
“How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” (Heb 9:14 NIV)
The next time you crave for your morning brew, seek your ultimate BREW first. No match to any wake-upper, His is a brew that satisfies, no matter how thirsty or hungry you are. A caffeine fix is nothing compared to the fine-tuned life He offers.
Living water, just as Jesus promised. Opal may have struck gold there.